Business Planning
Set your business goals and plan your strategy
Get your business off to the best start or map your business growth. Business planning helps you identify exactly what your business is and its journey to success. The following information and resources will give you the tools necessary to level-up your business.
Resources and tools
Resources and tools to help you business plan.
Economy ID
Economy id provides an overview of the Sunshine Coast’s community and economic profile. This is a useful tool to help understand the local demographic and industries in the region when planning your business.
Find out more here.
Market research kit
Research the market to identify your customers, competitors, suppliers and how your idea will perform in your local economy.
Find the step-by-step guide here.
Austrade export services
Austrade export services is a platform that includes information on everything that you need to know about exporting. Plan your export strategy, understand international markets, be aware of laws and regulations through this specified platform.
Find out more here.
Business health check
Analyse the health of your business through this Business Queensland tool. This tool addresses several business areas by asking you a series of questions. Receive a health check report at the completion of the questionnaire that highlights your strengths and areas for improvement.
Find the business health check here.
Export program on the Sunshine Coast
Sunshine Coast Council delivers training programs, industry news, resources and networking events with experts for businesses wanting to export both domestically and internationally.
Connect with export-orientated business and consultants on Council’s Export LinkedIn Network. Share tips, contacts, resources, experiences and post your questions to the group.
Generating export-ready businesses and market responsive industries will continue to better enable businesses to respond successfully to domestic and global demand.
Find out more here.
Support through webinars
Business Chamber Queensland consistently hosts informative and practical webinars that provides businesses with insight on a number of topics. Find webinars on topics such as capturing your carbon footprint, new family and domestic violence leave, industrial relations reform and more.
Find out more here.
Workforce support
Find a suite of resources and helplines for workforce support through the Business Chamber Queensland.
- Workers’ compensation.
- Staff training.
- IT pre-qualification.
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